Healer (Cantonese) – HEALER追擊

The Emperor: Owner of the Mask (Cantonese) - 君主-假面的主人
Just Between Lovers (English subtitles) - 그냥 사랑하는 사이


Description: A decades-old incident involving a group of friends who ran an illegal broadcasting station brings together three different people—an illegal mercenary with the codename “Healer” (Ji Chang-wook) who happens to possess top-notch fighting skills, a reporter from a second-rate tabloid news website (Park Min-young), and a famous journalist at a major broadcast station (Yoo Ji-tae). In trying to uncover the truth from that 1992 incident, they grow into real, honest reporters, and deal with the conflict between the truth and fate.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Director: Lee Jung-sub, Kim Jin-woo
Cast: Ji Chang-wook, Park Min-young, Yoo Ji-tae

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