Born Rich – 富貴門

Daddy Good Deeds - 當旺爸爸
Secret Door - 隱門

Description: Sophisticated banker Marcus Cheuk mistakes con artist Sha Fu-loi for his half brother Cheuk Yatming, fortuitously elevating the swindler to one of the leading figures in the banking industry. The lost and found brotherhood has blinded Marcus to Fu-loi’s real nature and intentions.

Marcus is kidnapped overseas by a group of rioters. He undergoes a dramatic personality change after the incident. His wife Connie has tried her best to console him but still cannot help him get over the unpleasant experience. Longing for more comfort and support, Marcus gets back with his ex-lover Angie. Connie is heartbroken to learn about the affair and it has left the broken mirror that can’t be mended.

The identity of Cheuk Yatming gives Fu-loi not only a sense of family warmth but also a sweet taste of romance. He finds himself in love with Marcus’s younger sister Rene. Rene is also attracted to Fu-loi, but thinking that they are true biological siblings, she decides to keep her love under wraps and stays with her longtime admirer Topman instead. Later on, Yatming kisses her and, thinking that her brother loves her in the wrong way, goes to Sabah to try forget about Yatming.Topman follows her there and they fall back in love after Topman finds the ring she throws into the ocean. This comes as a huge blow to Fu-loi. He is not willing to lose his love, but neither can he reveal his real identity. Caught up in the dilemma between love and money, Fu-loi finally chooses the fortune road of no return.

It is all about a tough battle for money, a devious triangle of love, and a severe challenge to ethics.

In the end the Sha brothers return to Sabah. From the suicide attempt Fu-loi loses his memory and recollection of his swindling past. Brother Po-loi eventually opens a pastry shop with Yan Dai. While failing to find the fortune, the Sha brothers return to a simpler and happier life in Sabah.

這是一個關於人性試煉的故事。    故事以一元、一鳴(富來)這對真假兄弟為主。一元作為家族生意的主理人,在家庭中擁有舉足輕重的地位,母親開眉、妹妹一心、妻子爵年對他尊敬有加。但自從“二弟”一鳴(富來)出現,這個家便起了翻天覆地的變化…    沙富來本是個身世可憐的老千,在馬來亞長大,自少父母雙亡,在貧困交逼中把弟弟沙寶來帶大,為了生存,學會了一身老千本領。在機緣巧合下,富來盜用了祟禧私生子卓一鳴(剛死)的身份,來到香港進入卓家,搖身一變成為豪門二少爺。    一元為人正直無私,對一鳴(富來)身份從未懷疑,視他為親兄弟,開眉出於對一鳴(富來)的同情補償,也視他如親子。加上一鳴(富來)擅長討人歡心,贏得眾人的喜愛和信任。    一鳴(富來)本打算騙卓家一筆錢便抽身而退,但料不到,他在卓家得到的感情和利益,使他越來越不能自拔…事緣一鳴(富來)未冒認身份之前,先邂逅了一心,短暫的浪漫激情後,一鳴(富來)未幾成為卓家二少爺,一心即斬斷這段 “假不倫之戀”,但一鳴(富來)對一心卻無法忘懷,從此陷入痛苦的畸戀中。另方面,一鳴(富來)從卓家得到他本來失落了的家庭溫暖,而在卓家的企業王國,他享受著金錢和權力的巨大誘惑,欲罷不能,擁有了又怕失去,最終經受不起貪婪、恐懼、嫉妒的人性試煉,為了掠奪卓家的一切、得到一心,一鳴(富來)由一個老千變成一個魔鬼…    一元面對一鳴(富來)這個老千魔鬼,也經受了人性的巨大試煉。一元雖然視一鳴(富來)為親兄弟,但也看出一鳴(富來)是個心術不正的人,初時包容他、試圖感化他,不果之後,唯有防範箝制他。一鳴(富來)為了剷除一元這個阻力,不但離間一元身邊的親人、忠臣,製造災難打擊一元,一元被逼到妻離子散、事業家庭大權旁落、對抗病魔、最後生命受到威脅…一元一再受到人生的試煉,他都能夠挺過來,但當家人受到一鳴(富來)的傷害,而他無法以法律制裁一鳴(富來)時,一元會否以暴逆暴,受不住魔鬼的試煉,自己也步入魔道呢?可幸的是,一元最終是以人性的善,令一鳴(富來)放下屠刀!但可悲的是,一鳴(富來)無法面對自己良心的譴責,而選擇了自毀之路。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 41 Episodes
Release Date: 2009
Cast: Ray Lui, Gallen Lo, Joe Ma, Anita Yuen, Kenix Kwok, Jaime Chik, Nancy Sit Benz Hui, Lau Siu-ming, Kenneth Ma, Sharon Chan, Vincent Wong, Angelina Lo
Genre: Drama

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